Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday To Ryan & Tre' !

Happy Birthday to Ryan Goff and Tre' Spencer! As coaches, Benji and I know whether we're on the right track by looking at our team AWAY from the football field. When we saw everybody show up for two birthday parties for their teammates in two separate days, then we felt pretty good that we were.

We are certainly blessed. We have kids that really get it. They understand that teamwork matters. They look at their teammates as friends .... and keep in mind that these kids don't regularly hang out together. We're 5th graders and 4th graders. We're white kids and black kids. We're BIG kids (some bigger than others) and smaller kids. But in the end? They will be there to celebrate with each other. And that feels good.

This year is something special that you will remember forever and compare to every other team you're on (baseball, soccer, football, etc.). Happy Birthday Ryan & Tre' ! Coach Benji and I are glad that we got you on our team!

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